Monthly Archives: February 2019

Time for a Furniture Inventory!


Look around whatever room you’re sitting in. Go ahead, just a quick look around. What do you see? Do you see a sofa or a bed or a desk? Or do you see piles of mail in the corner of the dining table and that one cushion on the sofa that sags in the middle? Take another look around, but pretend that you’re a guest in your home and you’re seeing it all for the first time.

Taking a good look at your home through the eyes of another is a great way to inventory your furniture to see what might need to be replaced or updated. Think about it – when you’re expecting guests to your home, you’re never more aware of what your home looks like right? So, think like that. Grab a notebook and pen/pencil, then go around your home. Walk out the front door and walk back in if it helps you get in the mindset. Then look around. Does your sofa look more worn that you remember? Is that lamp older than you thought? Maybe you’ll decide that you need a new accent chair, or a new paint job.

You can also figure out what might be able to be moved to a better place. Maybe you have a piece of furniture in the attic that you can actually use somewhere in the house. Or perhaps you can move your sofa to the opposite wall and change the entire focus of the room. Even swapping chairs or lamps will freshen up the look of a room.

Take a look at your accessories while you’re at it. If you’ve had your family photo in the same frame for years, it’s not even being noticed anymore. Get a new one! Move your favorite art piece to a new place where it can always be seen. Don’t take the small things for granted – they can make a world of difference!

Doing a furniture inventory is a good way to start out a new year. Repainting, replacing, or just moving the furniture in your home can spice things up and give you a sense of renewed pride in your living space. It’s simple to do and if you decide you want or need new furniture just call us at Suburban Furniture or visit one of our stores. We’ll help you find what you need in no time!

Celebrate President’s Day with One Great Sale!

It’s time to celebrate President’s Day with a great sale you’re going to love! Right now you can enjoy storewide savings up to 67% off plus an instant sales tax rebate plus 5 years free financing with no down payment & no interest until 2024 plus an instant free delivery rebate! (We might have gone a little wild with all the great stuff, but you deserve it.)


Since winter is still upon us and we’re spending plenty of time indoors, it’s a great time to do a furniture inventory. Once you’ve finished that up, you can take advantage of these great savings and renew your home on the cheap. Sale ends 2/26, so, hurry up and drop by one of our stores before the sale ends. This is definitely one you don’t want to miss!